Web Policies
Official Pages
These are official pages of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security at the Bloomberg School of Public Health. Official pages are those web pages that have been created by the Center for Center business.
This website may also contain references to and/or hyperlinks to web pages and publications maintained by faculty, staff, students and student organizations, non-university organizations, and so forth. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security does not monitor and bears no responsibility for the content of these pages. These pages and their content, including but not limited to factual statements and opinions, are the sole responsibility of their creators. They do not represent, implicitly or explicitly, the positions, policies, or opinions of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
Limitations of Liability
When you access this website, you agree that the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security shall not be liable to you for any loss or injury caused in procuring, compiling, or delivering the information gained from the site. In no event will the Center be liable to you or anyone else for any action taken by you on the basis of such information or for any incidental, consequential, special, or similar damages.
This website is provided on an "as is" basis. The Johns Hopkins University disclaims all responsibility for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage of any kind resulting from, arising out of, or any way related to any errors in or omissions from this website and the content, including but not limited to technical inaccuracies and typographical errors. The Johns Hopkins University does not warrant or present that the information available on or through the site will be correct, accurate, timely, or otherwise reliable. The Johns Hopkins University may make improvements and/or changes to its features, functionality, or content at any time.
Not Medical Advice
The content contained on this site is not intended to and does not constitute medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The accuracy, completeness, adequacy, or currency of the content is not warranted or guaranteed. The use of information on the site or materials linked from the site is at the user's own risk. The contents of the site, such as text, graphics, images and other materials are informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should always seek the advice of physicians or other qualified health providers with any questions regarding a medical condition. Users should never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something on the site. The site does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that might be mentioned on the site.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security will act reasonably to ensure that any information you provide to us is not accessed by unauthorized persons. We do not sell, rent, share, or otherwise willfully disclose to any third party, email addresses or other personally identifiable information shared on this site, in accordance with the Johns Hopkins University & Medicine Privacy Statement for Websites and Mobile Applications.
We do use various third-party tools to operate our web pages, including, e.g., Google Analytics, in order to better understand the use of our web pages, and Google’s YouTube API, to facilitate adding video content. Third-party tools have their own privacy policies. Google’s privacy policy is viewable here.
Copyright of the text contained in this website is owned by The Johns Hopkins University. These text materials may be used, downloaded, reproduced, publicly displayed, or reprinted for personal or nonprofit educational or research purposes provided that the following attribution appears in all copies: "Reproduced with permission of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Baltimore, MD." Written permission is required for all other uses. The text reproduced from this website must not be modified in any way.
The site may also contain graphic images and other non-text-based materials. All rights to these materials are reserved to The Johns Hopkins University and/or the copyright owners who license such materials to us. Prior written permission to use, download, reproduce, publicly display, or reprint any of these materials must be obtained from the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security or other copyright owner.
Note: This statement of permission does NOT apply to articles from the journal, Health Security, which is published by Mary Ann Leibert, Inc. and posted on the website https://home.liebertpub.com/publications/health-security/111.
Notice of Use of Student/Employee Images
Students and employees who are present in facilities operated by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security are subject to having their images captured, such as by photograph, video or electronic means. In addition to the use for security of personnel and facilities, the Center reserves the right to use images of students and employees in their ordinary activities to promote the Center. Such images may be used in paper brochures, electronic format on the internet, or other media. By your presence in these facilities you consent to capture of your image and use by the Center.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security welcomes your feedback on the materials in our website. All suggestions, ideas, and other information communicated to the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security through this site shall become the exclusive property of the Center.
You agree that none of your feedback communicated to the Center for Health Security will be obscene, offensive, defamatory, infringing upon the intellectual property rights of others, or otherwise objectionable or unlawful. The Center for Health Security, while reserving the right to delete all or part of any communications that it deems in its sole discretion to be objectionable, assumes no responsibility and makes no warranty that it will undertake to do so.
Terms of Agreement
Users of this website shall abide by all applicable federal, state, and local laws, including those pertaining to libel, slander, defamation, trade libel, product disparagement, harassment, invasion of privacy, and copyright and trademark infringement.
By accessing this site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. This agreement shall not be governed by the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA) as adopted in Maryland under Title 21 of the Commercial Law Article of the Maryland Annotated Code, as amended from time to time. This agreement shall be governed by the common law of Maryland relating to written agreements without giving effect to any conflict of laws principles, as well as other statutory provisions, other than UCITA, which may apply, and shall be interpreted and enforced as if UCITA had never been adopted in Maryland. All activity occurring in connection with the site (including, but not limited to, accessing pages, and downloading materials) is presumed to occur in the State of Maryland.
By accessing this site, you also agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of all third-party tools we use, including YouTube. YouTube’s Terms of Service is viewable here. Additional information about the third-party tools we use can be provided by contacting us at centerhealthsecurity@jhu.edu.
This agreement will remain in effect until terminated by either party. However, the agreement's jurisdictional provisions shall remain in force for any dispute that arises over any prior activities on this site, whether or not either party has terminated the agreement. By destroying all materials obtained from any and all Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security site(s) and all related documentation and all copies and installations thereof, whether made under the terms of this agreement or otherwise, you may terminate this agreement at any time. Additionally, this agreement will terminate immediately without notice if, in our sole discretion, you fail to comply with any term or condition. Upon termination, you must destroy all materials obtained from this site and all copies thereof.
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security may update this agreement without notice. Such updating will in no way relieve you of your obligations under earlier versions of this agreement. Use of this constitutes acceptance of the terms and conditions in place at the moment of use.
Editorial Policies & Procedures
This website is produced and maintained by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and does not purport to advance any official positions of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security maintains editorial control of all materials published on this site, and unless noted otherwise, all materials posted on this site have been authored and edited by Center staff.
Mention of specific products by generic or brand name does not constitute endorsement by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, its editors, or staff; Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore or its staff; or subscribers to any Center publication. Any mention of specific products is for educational purposes only. Regarding specific products or drugs, physicians and other health care providers are advised to consult their normal resources before prescribing to their patients.
Articles that appear in the journal Health Security are published by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., in accordance with the journal's editorial policies and procedures, and are posted on the website https://home.liebertpub.com/publications/health-security/111. We provide links to those articles from this site. Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., retains copyright to all articles published in the journal.
If you would like to place a link on your website to the homepage of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security website or include a link to an article posted on centerforhealthsecurity.org, please feel free to do so. You may post a link without requesting our permission, as long as the text that appears on your site is limited to the website name, "Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security," or to the title of an article that appears on our site. Links from third-party websites to the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security website must not contain distasteful or offensive content, must not imply an endorsement by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, and must not knowingly present false or misleading information to the user.
If listing the title of an article, please include the author's name (first initial, last name), the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security as publisher, and the URL to the title, which may be written out or added as a hyperlink. Example: Handcuffing the Flu: Can a Law Enforcement/National Security Approach to Pandemic Preparedness Protect the American People?, M. Schoch-Spana, Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security.
We provide links to other websites as a convenience. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security does not necessarily endorse information present on third-party websites, and the existence of a link does not imply any affiliation.