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International Health Headlines

Explore the latest public health research and insights about International Health.

An illustration of two scientists. One is sitting at a desk looking into a microscope. The other is walking away with their arms full of lab equipment.

4 Ways to Decolonize Global Health

A child of colonialism, global health began with the export of Western concepts of health and medical care—and the protection of colonizers from local diseases. Here’s how committed insurgents in the field are overturning those lingering perspectives.

Public Health Magazine

International Health Faculty Experts

Looking for prominent public health experts in the field of International Health? They’re here at the Bloomberg School of Public Health.


Judd L. Walson
International Health

Judd L. Walson, MD, MPH, is an infectious disease physician and epidemiologist who works to improve child survival, growth, and development in low- and middle-income settings.

Melissa Marx
Associate Professor
International Health

Melissa A. Marx, PhD ‘02, MPH ’98, evaluates maternal, child, and infectious disease programs, and has led response efforts for outbreaks including SARS, Ebola, and COVID-19.